車用 Bluetooth OBD2 モニター - iPhone/Android 用 OBD2 モニター、オーディオ コードの読み取りと検証用の自動診断モニター、ライブ データ センター専用アプリ
39% OFF
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返品パッケージを受け取り、確認した後、全額返金または100%ストアクレジットが提供されます。返金は自動的に元の支払い方法に反映されます。 配送料や関税、手数料は返金対象外です。追加配送料は、パッケージが発送された後は返金できません。これらの料金はお客様の責任であり、注文が返送された場合でも、免除または返金することはできません。返品商品を受け取り、確認した後、返品商品を受け取ったことを通知するメールを送信します。また、返金の承認または拒否についても通知します。返金プロセスに関する問題がある場合は、お問い合わせください。 service@roymall.com または Whatsapp: +8619359849471Main Functions and Compatibility: The V011 OBD2 Scanner is a professional diagnostic tool designed to monitor vehicle health, check engine lights, and display detailed indicators like fuel, brakes, battery, oil pressure, airbags, TCS, ABS, transmission temperature, VSC, and more. It supports fault code reading and real-time vehicle health monitoring. Compatible with 96% of vehicles, it works with 1996 US, 2000 EU, and Asian models, as well as SUVs, light trucks, and newer OBD2 vehicles globally. The scanner supports nine OBD2 protocols, making it a reliable choice for diverse vehicle types.

Accurate and Easy to Use: With its plug-and-play design, the V011 requires no complex setup. It quickly reads engine fault codes and provides accurate diagnostics, helping you assess your vehicle’s condition with ease. Suitable for cars and trucks, the device works with OBD2 interfaces typically located beneath the dashboard, above the accelerator. Important Reminder: Confirm that your vehicle's OBD2 interface is intact and compatible before purchasing for optimal performance.

Bluetooth Fast Pairing: The V011 comes with a free, tailor-made app that enables seamless Bluetooth connectivity between your car and smartphone. By scanning a QR code or searching for "OBD Home" on the App Store or Google Play, you can download the app and pair the scanner in just a few steps. This app is tailored for both Android and Apple systems, ensuring compatibility with your smartphone. The app is designed to solve compatibility issues across different systems and models, providing a smooth user experience.✅Note: Be sure to turn on Bluetooth when opening the APP linkThis efficient Bluetooth system ensures real-time data monitoring and improves diagnostic accuracy.

Wireless and Secure Design: This wireless diagnostic tool eliminates the need for batteries, chargers, or cables, solving cable entanglement issues. Powered directly by the vehicle’s OBD2 port, its compact and durable design ensures portability and durability. Store it conveniently in your car or toolbox, and rest assured that its secure fit prevents accidental falls or damage during use.

Multi-Language Support: The V011 supports 10 languages, including English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, German, French, Japanese, Korean, Italian, and Portuguese. This feature is invaluable for cross-border travelers and international vehicle traders, allowing seamless communication with mechanics and clear fault code explanations in different languages.

Save Money and Drive Safely: Regular use of the V011 helps you detect potential issues early, reducing unnecessary repair costs and minimizing the risk of breakdowns. By maintaining your vehicle’s health, this scanner enhances safety for you and your family. Additionally, professional customer support is always available to assist with any questions, ensuring a reliable and worry-free user experience.

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