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Get Compliments From Every Guest; These desert flower shower invitations are a sneak peek into the party; When your guests see these personalized, blue and green baby shower invitations boy, they’ll RSVP, ASAP; They’ll know this fiesta, whether it's coed for couples or ladies only, is going to be fun.

Help the Mom to Be Feel Loved; Not only are these baby shower or baby sprinkle invitations an adorable reminder that a new bundle of joy is on the way, they honor the mom to be, reflecting who she is with a natural, greenery and succulent design.

Impress Guests From the Start; Printed on 100#, matte cardstock with plenty of room for essential information, these high quality, blank baby shower invitations are easy to write on; When you start with premium, DIY baby shower invitations you can easily expand on your western botanical theme with other kinds of decoration; Although envelopes are not included, you have the option to send these invites as postcards; You can also choose your own color for envelopes.

Our Family Owned Business wants to inspire everyone to create fun, lasting memories with friends and family; Designed and printed in the USA, our products are made to inspire; Let these baby boy shower invitations inspire you to create a fun, memorable party for a soon to be mommy and daddy.