犬用カーシート - アップグレードされた超ソフトメモリーフォームブースターカーシート、小型中型犬用、犬用ベッド、洗濯可能、収納ポケット付き、クリップオン安全リーシュ、フォーム充填、最大35ポンドのペット旅行用アクセサリー
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Roymallへようこそ、高級デパートギフトを購入するためのプロフェッショナルなウェブサイトです。私たちはあなたのサポートを高く評価し、感謝の気持ちを込めて、購入にさらなる興奮を加えたいと考えています。当店でお買い物をすると、ライフスタイルを向上させる高品質な製品を楽しむだけでなく、すべての注文に独占的な無料ギフトが付いてきます。 私たちのコレクションを探索し、完璧なギフトを見つける準備はできましたか?高級デパートアイテムのセレクションを閲覧し、注文をして、購入と一緒に届く無料ギフトの興奮を楽しみにしてください。配送ポリシー
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返品パッケージを受け取り、確認した後、全額返金または100%ストアクレジットが提供されます。返金は自動的に元の支払い方法に反映されます。 配送料や関税、手数料は返金対象外です。追加配送料は、パッケージが発送された後は返金できません。これらの料金はお客様の責任であり、注文が返送された場合でも、免除または返金することはできません。返品商品を受け取り、確認した後、返品商品を受け取ったことを通知するメールを送信します。また、返金の承認または拒否についても通知します。返金プロセスに関する問題がある場合は、お問い合わせください。 service@roymall.com または Whatsapp: +8619359849471Perfect fit for small to medium breeds: Our elevated dog car seat lifts your furry friend above the car seat, providing a panoramic view and the dog booster car seat boasts a sleek arc with an internal space measuring 20 in*10 in.It accommodates small puppies or one medium-sized dog weighing under 30 lbs. Examples of breeds that can fit in this car seat include yorkshire terriers, chihuahuas, pomeranians, dachshunds, shih tzus, cats, puppies, and more. Please refer to the provided picture for specific size details

Robust safety features:The dog seat for car includes a safety belt at the bottom,allowing the safety belt to pass through.The bottom is sewn with non-slip fabric,it also features an adjustable shoulder strap that secures to the seat headrest, dog beds for small dogs in car Comes with two safety belts that attach to your dog's harness to prevent them from jumping out the window, providing your dog with great safety and comfort"

Memory foam pet car seat:Our egg crate foam pet beds for small dogs are designed to be breathable and quickly rebound, ensuring your furry friend gets the softness and support they need. The sleeping surface is covered in luxurious velvet, providing a cozy and comfortable space for your dog to rest. This travel dog bed offers plenty of room for small dogs to adjust and find their perfect spot while traveling. Note: The memory foam booster dog car seat comes in a compressed package.please allow 24-48 hours for it to regain its original shape. Ideal for your dog's comfort, this is the best among dog travel accessories!

Our small dog car seat is perfect for use in vehicles and doubles as a cozy pet dog beds for medium sized dog at home, outdoors, or even in a tent. It's lightweight and portable, making installation a breeze in most cars and SUVs. With convenient side pockets for snacks and essentials, it serves as both a medium dog bed and a car seat protector for dogs. The removable cover is washable, ensuring easy cleanup—just remember, the inner sponge isn’t washable!

Easy installation and maintenance: Installing the dog car seat is a breeze—just thread your seat belt through the bottom holes and secure the top strap to the headrest. It features convenient storage pockets for dog food and toys. Designed for sturdiness, it has a high-quality zipper and strong stitching for safety and comfort. This versatile pet bed is fully removable and washable.Cleaning is simple: Unzip the cover to wash, and remember that the inner foam isn’t washable. For any questions, our team is here with 24h support and a 1-year warranty"

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